更圆、更高、更有活力——隆胸可以改善你的体型和姿势. 下垂的, 下垂, 胸闷可能是遗传的, 或者更常见的是衰老的结果, 减肥, 怀孕或哺乳. 抬高和重塑乳房, 隆胸手术 提供个性化的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网,增强您的自然轮廓,增强您的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网.
你是否一直都很低, 下垂的乳房,或者最近因为年龄的原因才注意到乳房的变化, 怀孕或哺乳, 隆胸会有帮助. Our surgeons can reshape and raise your existing breast tissue to sit higher and appear rounder on your chest. 今天就澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网,看看你是否适合做手术.
有时被称为“乳房切除术”,” the breast lift is a plastic surgery procedure designed to correct sagging and asymmetrical breasts, 减少体积, 以及下垂或伸展的乳晕. 手术将乳房组织移动到胸部的较高位置, 紧致松弛的皮肤, 抬起乳头, 减少乳晕的宽度,提高对称性.
在体积过大或过小的情况下,患者可以考虑进行手术 乳房缩小术 or 除了提提手术外,还有隆胸手术.
Deciding whether you need a breast lift is a personal choice and often depends on your individual goals and concerns. However, there are some common signs that may indicate a breast lift could be beneficial for you. 以下是一些需要考虑的因素:
下垂(下垂): 如果你的乳房失去了坚固和弹性, 它们看起来下垂或下垂, 隆胸可能有助于恢复更年轻和凸起的外观.
乳头位置: 你乳头的位置会随着时间的推移而改变. 如果你的乳头已经下降到乳房折痕以下或指向下方, 隆胸可以将乳房重新定位到一个更自然、更高的位置.
乳房的形状: 乳房形状的变化, 比如乳房上部的体积减少, 可以通过隆胸来解决吗. This procedure can help to reshape and lift the breasts for a more aesthetically pleasing contour.
怀孕和哺乳: Pregnancy, breastfeeding and weight fluctuations can contribute to changes in breast appearance. If you have experienced these life events and are unhappy with the current shape and position of your breasts, 可以考虑做隆胸手术.
乳晕大小: Sometimes, the areolas (the dark skin surrounding the nipples) may naturally stretch or enlarge. 隆胸可以通过缩小乳晕的大小并重新定位它们来解决这个问题.
服装适合: If you find that your breasts make it challenging to find bras and clothing that fit comfortably or if you are unhappy with the way your breasts look in clothing, 隆胸或许是个解决办法.
Your consultation will cover your medical history, physical exam, goals, expectations and concerns. 我们的团队将为您进行乳房检查,并拍摄一系列照片和测量. 一定要告知之前的任何手术, 医疗问题, 住院澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网, 药物和过敏, 以及任何乳房x光检查或其他乳房研究的结果.
你可能会被要求从你的初级保健医生那里寻求术前许可, 或者其他专家. 这些记录和推荐是为了确保最安全的结果, 并将永远保持最高的信任.
发现个性化的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网,为您的目标量身定制 & 安慰
我们将介绍一系列澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网方案, 你们将讨论每种手术的潜在益处和风险. 你们将一起创建一个定制的计划. 根据你的个人目标和体型,我们可能会推荐额外的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网方法. 常见的补充澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网包括 乳房缩小术 or 增加 (隆胸植入). 您将回顾样本照片,以说明这些澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网的实际结果.
结束您的咨询, 我们的医务人员将提供估计费用和可能的调度方案的报价. 我们的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台协调员可以帮你安排 融资及付款计划 如果需要.
The precise technique used in your 隆胸手术 will be determined by several factors, 包括:
- 乳房大小和形状
- 乳晕的位置和大小
- 乳房下垂的程度
- 皮肤质量、数量和弹性
Dr. Donaldson和Dr. Sieffert offer 隆胸手术 on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. The design of the incisions may vary according to the amount of desired lift: minor elevations may be accomplished through a curved incision that traces the top edge of the nipple-areola complex (NAC). Moderate lifts are possible through circum-areolar incisions with a vertical incision (‘Lollipop”) or without a vertical incision (“Benelli”). 戏剧性的提升通常通过环乳晕联合进行, 垂直和水平切口(“锚式”),或“倒t”。.
Moderate elevations are possible through a circular incision that traces the outer edge of the areolae — circumareolar or “Benelli-style” breast lifts. Slightly more lift is possible by adding a vertical incision beneath the areola that extends down to the breast crease — a “lollipop” breast lift.
The choice of incision pattern depends on the degree of breast sagging and the desired cosmetic outcome. 在您的咨询期间, 我们会评估你的特殊情况, 讨论你的目标并确定最好的计划. Our surgeons always try to minimize incisions in the belief that it is better to create as few scars as are necessary to create the right look.
新月/ Supra-areolar切口:
- 在乳晕的上半部分做的一个小切口.
- The least invasive type of incision and is usually reserved for minimal lifts or cases where only a subtle adjustment is needed.
Circum-Areolar / Peri-Areolar /甜甜圈/ Benelli切口:
- An incision is made only around the areola and is typically used for mild to moderate cases of sagging.
- 优点是疤痕更有限,但它可能不适合更广泛的提升.
- This method involves two incisions: one around the areola and one vertically from the bottom of the areola to the inframammary fold.
- 适合中度下垂,可能导致比锚切口更短的疤痕.
- 隆胸手术最常见的切口.
- 它包括三个切口:一个在乳晕周围, one vertically from the bottom of the areola to the inframammary fold (crease beneath the breast), 还有一个是沿胸下褶皱水平方向的.
- Effective for addressing significant sagging and allows for the reshaping of the breast tissue.
在你的切口上放上轻质敷料, 手术后几小时你就可以回家了. 所有缝合线在几周内都可溶解, a layer of surgical-grade adhesive is painted over each incision for an extra layer of protection. 虽然有些不适是意料之中的,但剧烈的疼痛并不常见. 术前、术中、术后均需服用止痛药.
Your post-operative bra will offer support and comfort in the days and weeks following the procedure, 尽量减少肿胀和限制不必要的活动.
Our staff will provide you with a set of instructions outlining postoperative care specifics, 包括:
- 口服和局部用药
- 顺势疗法补充,以减少肿胀和瘀伤,并缓解疼痛
- 如何观察手术部位以确保正常愈合
- 如何优化你的整体健康
- 清洁和敷料说明
- 疤痕凝胶和按摩技术
- 何时以及如何澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台博士. Donaldson或Dr. 西弗特和他们的员工
随着康复的进展,轻度的体力活动通常可以恢复. 避免在头几周强迫自己回到健身房, 选择绕着街区轻快地走一走. 没有外科医生的许可,不应该尝试更剧烈的运动, 并且通常在四到六周后被允许.
Dr. 唐纳森,博士. Sieffert and the entire Donaldson整形外科 team provide a friendly and welcoming environment – from initial consultation through recovery and beyond. 以获得第一手的了解,我们可以为您做什么, 我们邀请您今天与我们澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台,安排您的一对一咨询.
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